
What Are The Tips To Prevent Premature Labor Pain?

Tips To Prevent Premature Labor Pain

What Is Referred To As Preterm Labor? 

When labor starts before 37 weeks, it is called preterm or premature labor. The normal time for fetal growth during pregnancy is about 40 weeks. A pregnancy is “at term” at 37 weeks; anything before that is called “preterm.” Labor is what your body does to get ready to give birth.

 When labor starts too early, the baby may be born too soon. But labor can often be stopped to give the baby more time to grow and develop in the uterus.


What Are The Signs That Indicate Preterm Labor? 

To stop early labor, you need to know what to look out for. It can make a big difference to act quickly. Call your obstetrician or nurse immediately if:

  • Backache: Back pain, which is usually in the lower back, is a common problem. This may be steady or come and go, but it won’t get better if you change positions or do something else to feel better.
  • Contractions: Contractions that get faster and stronger and happen every 10 minutes or more often.
  • Cramping: Cramps in your lower belly or cramps that feel like your period. These can feel like cramps from diarrhoea or gas.

apart from usual pregnancy symptoms, like back pain. But it’s impossible to be too careful. Check out any possible signs of trouble. You can always seek best pain medication for labor once the evaluation is confirmed for preterm labor.


What Are The Tips To Prevent Premature Labor Pain?

  • Talk To Your Doctor If You Had A History Of Preterm Labor: If you’ve experienced a preterm birth before you should always mention it to the doctor as the risk of it happening again is higher. Your doctor will be able to keep a close eye on you and make sure you get the best care possible. 


  • Consume Plenty Of Water: Many people forget that they should drink more water when they are pregnant. Dehydration can make you have contractions, which could start premature labor pain. Stay hydrated at all times.


  • Take Your Supplements Religiously: To support your pregnancy and make sure you get all the nutrients you need, it’s important to take high-quality vitamins. Chemical imbalances in the body can be caused by not getting enough nutrients, which can lead to early labor. 


  • Look What You Consume:  What you eat affects your body and your baby in a direct way. Unhealthy and unbalanced diets can cause pregnancy-related conditions like gestational diabetes, which can lead to early labor. The “good” bacteria in your gut are called probiotic bacteria.


  • Go On Regular Walks:  One of the best ways to work out is to walk. It keeps your heart beating at a healthy rate and also moves blood around your body better. Speak to your doctor before. 


  • Avoid Lying On The Back:  People are told to sleep on their left side because it helps the blood flow. When you lie on your back, your spine is pushed and your uterus is stretched.


  •  Get Treated For Any Chronic Disease: If you have a chronic disease (such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, or an autoimmune disease), you should work with your healthcare provider to ensure that it is well-controlled prior to your next pregnancy. Treating these conditions before you get pregnant’ll improve your health and reduce your risk of having another premature birth. 


  • Maintain A Proper Oral Hygiene:  You might be surprised by this one. Making sure you take good care of your gums can be a big factor in whether your pregnancy goes to term. Preterm labor can also be caused by gum diseases like gingivitis and periodontitis during pregnancy. 


  • Pay attention to what your body says: Don’t do hard tasks that put a lot of stress on your stomach and make you very tired. During pregnancy, make sure you get enough rest and give your body time to change.


What Are The Reasons That Might Put You At Risk For Premature Labor And Delivery?

Preterm birth can be caused by a wide range of problems that can affect you, your baby, or both. Most of the time, it’s not clear what caused a baby to come early, but medical study has shown that a number of things can play a role in bringing on early labor. Some of these are: 

  • Improper nutrition
  • Smoking and consuming alcohol during pregnancy
  • No ideal weight gain during pregnancy
  • Unmanaged high blood pressure
  • Previous history of preterm labor
  • High levels of stress
  • Vgainal and uterine related infections
  • Gum infections

Find the best pain medication for labor to seek expert care and the right guidance during the pregnancy.


Braxton Hicks Contraction Vs Preterm Labor: What Is The Major Difference?

Braxton Hicks contractions are uncomfortable, but they are generally not as painful as contractions that happen during labor. They happen during pregnancy and make the uterus stronger. With Braxton Hicks contractions, the cervix does not open (dilate). 

On the other hand, if you are going into labor too early, the contractions will generally hurt more, last longer than 30 seconds, and get closer together.


How Does The Doctor Analyze A Preterm Labor?

Your doctor or midwife will try to figure out if you are already in early labor. Most likely, they will want to watch you for a few hours. These tests could be done:

  • Pelvic check to see if the uterus is opening up (dilating).
  • Monitoring of uterine movement to pick up on contractions
  • Tracking of the baby’s heart rate to check on the baby’s health.

Visit the best gynecologist hospital in Coimbatore right away if you have contractions, a change in your vaginal discharge, blood, or pain in your pelvic area. Your doctor or nurse can help slow down your labor in a number of ways. The less likely it is that your baby will have health problems, the longer it stays in your uterus.

You may be more likely to go into labor early if you are having twins or if you have a history of going into labor early or giving birth early. The best way to avoid going into labor early is to stay healthy during your pregnancy and take care of any health problems you already have.